The monotonous chores of everyday life seems to blur together and before you know it, you're looking at a person you don’t recognize in the mirror. Asking yourself, where did the time go? We'll all be there one day. Did we live an epic life? Reach for the Stars? Take calculated risks and Achieve The Impossible? Or did we join the mainstream and settle for the status quo?
An epic life is most assuredly not about the destination. It is all about the journey.So what is your passion? What are your dreams. What are your goals? What actions are you taking right now towards them. Are you telling yourself that you don't have enough time to follow your dreams? If not now, today, then when.
Someday is not a day of the week. Someday may never come. There is no time like the present! Our epic Life Begins today! There may be many paths to it but, I want to share with you today, the strategy that has helped me the most. Somebody, somewhere, has already arrived at where you want to go or who you want to be.
They could also be on the same Journey just a few steps ahead of you. The trial-and-error process can take months, years, even a lifetime. Connecting with a mentor or coach can accelerate the process exponentially. Saving precious time, money, and frustration. If the fastest route between point A and point B is a straight line. Does it make sense to use trial and error? Or would it benefit you to look for someone who has been there before you and created a map?
Getting lost on your journey takes up your time and is extremely frustrating when someone already has a map laid out for you. It just makes perfect sense! The biggest, most important investment you can make is in yourself. There is no magic pill. The escalator to success is broken. There is however a mentor or coach ready right now to invest in you, If you are ready to invest in yourself. The time will pass anyway.
A coach is simply someone that could be a couple steps ahead of you. Reaching back to take your hand and help pull you forward and guide you in the direction you want to go. Your epic Life Starts Today! Reach out and connect with a mentor or coach. I help people just like you get in the right frame of mind and develop a mindset to achieve real change!
If I am not the right fit. I can point you in the right direction to a coach that is. I provide one-on-one coaching through weekly phone calls and email support. I'm also excited to offer coaching on a mobile on demand platform called Coach Chat. An affordable messaging platform available on any device. Visit my Coaching Page right now to get started on an epic life! Coach Wallace
Write a comment
Robbi (Monday, 02 May 2016 16:01)
I guess it depends on your definition of epic :) There might have been a time when I wanted to be a famous photographer, but the desire of my heart for many years has been to simply be a wife and mother. Thanks for sharing!
Stacey Philpot (Monday, 02 May 2016 17:04)
One of my best friends is a coach. I would say going through her course was "epic." It forced me to really evaluate, "What do I want to be doing? How do I get there?"
In summary, long live coaching!
Mihaela Echols (Monday, 02 May 2016 23:15)
Amen are we alive or,just breathing? Are we reaching the stars or just looking ? Great post great points!
Kayla Fioravanti (Monday, 02 May 2016 23:16)
"Someday is not a day of the week" - love that!
Amy (Wednesday, 04 May 2016 12:55)
Living the life that we want is always going to require hard work, and some screw ups. Though we may learn from those who have gone before us, their exact same path most likely won't work for us. We are different people with different backgrounds which can cause us to approach things in new and unique ways. It certainly helps to have someone walk alongside you, and encouraging you through the journey!
Heather DeGeorge (Thursday, 05 May 2016 23:00)
You are so right... epic starts now. I think I've been bogged down in the day to day. Thank you for this. <3